One of the features of this blog will be to note how that "Static" Latin Mass did change a bit over the course of the 20th Century. One of the things done prior to '62 was there used to be a "Vigil of St. Andrew" celebrated on the 29th.
Eventually, (soon before I get too many changes to log to feel like doing then!), I will get together a spreadsheet or somesuch to show any changes to the calendar. I will try to add to it bit-by-bit.
The vigil would NOT have been celebrated if the 29th of Nov. fell on a Sunday, but the preceeding Saturday. [As it did this year.] However, iif the 29th was not a Sunday, a Vigil Mass for St. Andrew would have been done.
Here's what my 50s missal has to say:
"Purple - Simple Nov. 28th Vigil of St. Andrew, Apostle -
The day preceding a festival is styled a vigil (from the Latin word signifying a night-watch) because in the primitive ages the faithful passed in prayer in the Church the greater part of the evening and night preceding a festival. Nor did they break their fast until after the holy sacrifice of the Mass had been offered, and Communion given in the course of the vigil. Hence the greater vigils are still observed as fast-days; and the Mass of a Vigil has a specially penitential character. Purple vestments are worn by the priest, the Gloria in excelsis is not said. - SM"
This Mass had its own propers. [propers are changeable parts of the Mass]
The propers were:
Introit (corresponds to the entrance ampithon) - Matt. 4, 18-19 and Psalm 18,2
Collect (corresponds to the opening prayer, before the 1st reading) -
"We beseech Thee, O almighty God, that blessed Andrew, Thine apostle, for whose feast we are preparing, may implore for us Thine aid, that, our offenses being pardoned, we may also be saved from all dangers. Through our Lord...."
[an additional collect would have been done in commemoration of St. Saturnius whose day also falls on Nov 29th -- it was basically an older Mass than when the vigil came into exisistence]
Epistle - (Lesson) - Wisdom 44, 25-27; 45, 2-4; 6-9
Gradual - (would be the psalm between the 1st and 2nd reading) Ps. 138, 17-18
Gospel - John 1, 35-51
Offertory - Ps 8, 6, 5
Secret - "We offer Thee, O Lord, the gift to be consecrated, whereby, commemorating the solemnity of blessed Andrew, the apostle, we at the same time implore that our souls may be made clean. Through our Lord.." [Another secret would have been also added for St. Saturnius[]
Communion - (would correspond to Communion ampithon) - John 1, 41-42
Postcommunion - (closing prayer) -
"Having received Thy sacraments, O Lord, we humbly beseech Thee, that, by the inercession of blessed Andrew, Thy apostle, that which we perform in honor of his venerable passion may profit unto our healing, Through our Lord..." [Another Post-Communion prayer would have been added for St. Saturnius.]
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